How’s your trip?
Oh, you took the whole family? And it’s that long? Good gravy!
Maybe this will help, a little: On your next on-ramp or after the next bathroom break, try a story. They’re guaranteed funny, family friendly, and maybe a little longer than they should be which is one less minute of screen time, complaining time, or time trying to find a song everyone can agree on.
It’s not guaranteed to help, but it might…a little!
We are Mike, Eileen, Cecilia and Rory. Our family has been on many road trips together—that one years ago that was 6 hours to Canada with a 7 and a 2 year old—what were we thinking?
We love stories in general—telling them, listening to them, laughing along with them. And in the car, Rory always wants to hear a story. But who can tell hours and hours of stories? No one! So, we end up listening to stories which means we’re always searching for a podcast with good stories. Of course, there’s the Squirrel Story and the Peter Pan Fiasco stories from This American Life and there’s been some great RadioLabs about octopus, bacteria, and other creatures. And, we love some of The Moth stories as well the albums from our favorite stand up comedians who tell stories.
But, every now and then, a story we’re listening to on a podcast turns darker than we would’ve wanted (like that one about the rabid raccoon) or uses language that is regrettable (“yes, Rory, comedians are funny but never say that word!”) and we just wanted a good bunch of stories that don’t challenge those boundaries but still leaving us feeling fulfilled like only a good story can. Terrestrials, from RadioLab, certainly helped, but NYC Studios shouldn’t be responsible for everything! So, we thought, let’s just make the thing we like listening to in the car. So, here it is.
Hopefully, your long car ride has just been helped…a little.